Hello, welcome to the Social Tea Co.
Thanks for visitng and taking the time to read how this little tea company came to be. I was 19 and back-packing Europe, my first stop was London England. While waiting for my room for the night at a local hostel, my host offered me a cup of tea. I had never had a cup before, nor had I ever been offered one that I can remember. I didn't want to be rude, so I graciously accepted. They steeped the tea in front of me, then took out a dainty tea cup and added a cube of sugar to it. A beautiful amber coloured tea was poured in my cup and topped with milk. I stired it and went in for the first sip. I can't explain how comforting it was and how delicious. How could something so simple as water and tea leaves be so wonderful? I enjoyed many cups of tea on my visit to London and my love for tea has never ended.
Fast forward 20 years later I found myself owning a bakery and coffeehouse, but tea was still so important to me. I prefered it over any latte or hot chocolate. Still to this day, I find nothing more comforting and enjoyable then a cup of tea, slightly sweetened with a splash of milk. I realized, as we were nearing the end of crazy 2020 that I wanted to share good tea with everyone I know. After much contemplation I figured the best way to do that was to start this little tea company so that others can also experience that feeling of comfort that I did, all those years ago in London.